A 3D shoot-em-up for handheld computers. A playable version is available for downloading right now so you can try the game out for yourself. For the full version you will need to send $20 or £10 to Sticky Software. See below for more details. How to play The aim of the game is simple: Survive! Enemy tanks and saucers are out to destroy you. They will attempt to shoot you and ram you -- both are fatal. Your only means of defence is attack, so get them before they get you. Use either Shift key to fire, and the cursor keys to move around. You can start by pressing the Shift key or selecting the menu option "New Game". If you run out of ammunition, search for an ammo dump (represented by a spinning flag). The radar in the top left part of the display will tell you where the enemy is located, and also help you find the ammo dump. There are various settings to make TankZone perform as well as possible on a wide range of HPCs. You can adjust the speed, and also switch off the landscape and shading effects. You should experiment for best results -- the default settings work very well on a Velo1. Tank Zone Registration In order to get the full version of Tank Zone, you need to register it. This costs $20 (US dollars) or £10 (UK / Eire Pounds) or equivalent in your currency. An electronic credit card system is being implemented, and will be working in January 1998. In the mean time, you can post either cash, banker's draft or cheque. Please email john@sticky.net for more details and also for the current postal address. We know it is tedious not having CC support now, but rather than hold back the game until it was available, we decided to hope that you would remember to check back and register. If you need a reminder, please email john@sticky.net and we'll be happy to let you know the CC processing is in place. In return for your registration, you will be sent version 1.0, Registered Edition by email. This contains ten or more levels, enemy flying saucers, more than one tank attacking at a time, improved sound effects and a free copy of the forthcoming v1.1 which has wide screen support. Tank Zone FAQ Q. I have an HPC with WindowsCE v2. Will TankZone work? A. It should, as long as you download the right version for MIPS and SH3, and also -- and this is the key -- download the MFCWCE.DLL file. WinCEv1 programs seem to work on WinCEv2 machines with minimal problems. When we have a WinCEv2 machine and development tools, we'll produce a WinCEv2 specific version. This will be free to registered users. Q. I can only fire one bullet at a time! A. That's right. Better aim carefully. Q. I can't fire anymore! A. Maybe you have run out of ammunition. Look at the display to see if "Ammo" is zero. If it is, you better find one of the supply depots, which show up as little flags. Drive up to it, and your ammo supply will be replenished. Q. It's too hard! A. Keep trying. Use the radar display in the top left to work out where the enemy tanks and saucers are located, where the supply depots are and who is firing at you. Remember to switch off the keyboard repeats so your tank responds properly. Q. My screen flickers! A. Some HPCs are a little slow, and this can cause flickering. For this reason we have included a speed control (under Options menu), and also the ability to switch off the landscape and ground shading effects. Please experiment with these settings. It's also a very good idea to adjust the contrast settings, and also try to use natural lighting rather than the backlight. Q. I don't see any saucers / I never leave level 1! A. That's because you are using the Shareware version. If you register then you will be sent the full version. This has more levels, more tanks and evil flying saucers. Q. My tank seems to move and then stop for no reason. A. Make sure you have turned off keyboard repeats from the Control Panel. Q. What do I need to run TankZone? A. An HPC, with WindowsCE. This program was written on a Velo1, under WindowsCEv1. The program should run under WindowsCE v2, but wehaven't been able to test this. Obviously we're as keen as everyone else to get hold of WinCEv2. If you have a WinCEv2 machine, then installing the original MFCWCE.DLL file might mean the program will work. Q. What is this MFCWCE.DLL stuff? A. When programming the WindowsCE platform, the programmer can choose to make use of some predefined Microsoft libraries which make it relatively easy to add menus, buttons, timers, and so on. These are the MFC. To run a program written using these functions, you need a MFC library file, called a "DLL" or "Dynamic Link Library". On some HPCs this file is not present in the ROM and so needs to be copied over. The file is called "MFCWCE.DLL" and is placed in the Windows directory. The nature of DLLs means that only one copy is needed no matter how many programs use it. Without it, a program will load but crash out with an error message at once. Q. There is a large blank portion of screen! A. There should be, if your HPC has more than 480 pixels across. Our HPC has 480, and so we cannot test software which has a larger screen.Registered owners will be sent a Wide Screen version as soon as possible. Q. I get an error message when I try to run it! A. If you get an error message when you try to run the program, this is most likely due to you not having the MFC library file stored on your HPC. This is a file containing common functions, and is required by applications written in a particular way. You may already have this library depending on your HPC (the HP device has it in ROM) or if have already installed a program which includes the library. If you don’t have these files, you will have to download them. Make sure you download the right version of the MFC libraries for your computer. Q. I can't hear any sounds! A. Some HPCs have a sound compression built-in, and this means that the sound effect WAV files can be stored in a very small amount of memory. However, not all HPCs have this library and need standard PCM WAV files. If you have installed the compressed sound effects and your system doesn't support them, you won't hear anything. Q. I still can't hear anything! A. If the sound effects are not in a directory called TankZone/ in the root directory, that is, in the same level as Windows and Control Panel, then the program won't find them and won't be able to play them. You can check to see if the samples themselves are working by double-clicking them. If you can hear them, then either they are stored in the wrong location or the Sound option in the TankZone game has been turned off. Q. Can I do without sounds to save memory? A. Yes. Turn off the sound option and delete the WAV files. Q. Is this program Public Domain? A. No. It's not, it's copyright. However you have permission to use this evaluation version for for free. Please don't store it on a Web site -- if you want other people to use it, please point them to the Sticky Net website instead. Thanks. Finally: Many thanks to all the Beta testers who helped on this project. Many thanks also to the members of the WindowsCE mailing list who helped with many technical problems. All contents (C) Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.